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Mensagem por IuriMonteiro Ter Set 10, 2013 5:24 pm

Olá a todos,

É como imenso prazer que partilho convosco o lançamento do novo jogo mobile da Battlesheep: Zombie Apocalift! Foi lançado hoje e está disponível grátis no Google Play:

Experimentem-no, divirtam-se e ajudem-nos a divulgar o lançamento de um título indie do gamedev nacional deixando o vosso rating e review!  Smile

ZombieApocalift 0xTxQOB87Ku4QB2_h56NiW4KPlAV6M4kQHgXG1f8c_eDpdjOGqX2iwHwutTlMbJTrKc=h900-rw

The end is nigh! Build a party of unexpected heroes and fight hordes of vicious zombies while trapped in an elevator! Counter the zombie apocalypse across different scenarios of increasing difficulty that will test your reflexes and resolve.

Kill zombie minions, tough ghoulish bosses and earn coins to purchase power ups, upgrades and more powerful characters to boost your performance! Try out Holy Smite, the Adrenaline shot and other power ups to cut your way through with a twist!

ZombieApocalift VFvRloirHwn1_n7XXon7ocJOunrQC7TvdSUoQisWHSZjip4bNVin-6f53O78FD2R5-fE=h900-rw

Getting tired of Mrs Jones and Sergeant O'Connor? Push a button to try a fresh, new combination of unlocked heroes. Replay a level to experience it from a different party's eyes or try out the endless mode to get challenged by a random blend of unlocked scenarios! Survive Angel Heights, Crystal Peak's secret military base, the Supermax prison and the Sushi Tower complex!

ZombieApocalift Lk6KeU_PHKYs4RpOtB07gW7fdZ9X6Z5xtWNhvnNmuWej2wlPdMTECwt6UAVKI4ejieM=h900-rw

Zombie Apocalift will get you addicted for hours with its simple controls: just tap the buttons or the characters to attack. You can control more than one character at a time, so grab a friend and cooperate in local multiplayer! But beware: manage your adrenaline pool wisely or you'll be a sitting duck!

How many floors can you travel before succumbing to the undead? Can you resist the charges of relentless foes and save the entire party? Zombie Apocalift is a difficult game tailored to challenge you, but even the most skilled survivalist will need a bunch of Medikits and other tools to live and see another day.

*** Don't miss the in-game limited-time discount pack of levels and characters! ***

Stay tuned for game updates as we release more levels and playable characters!


- Difficult scenarios with unique zombies and more to come!
- Zombie boss fights!
- Endless mode where you play a random blend of unlocked levels
- Cooperative local multiplayer
- 12 unique playable characters and more on the way!
- Power ups and consumable items to boost gameplay
- Power up upgrades! Make every tool count
- Dozens of achievements
- Online leaderboards
- Post your results to Facebook and Twitter!
- Game statistics

Like Zombie Apocalift's page on Facebook for in-game rewards:

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Mensagens : 425
EXP : 6372
Kudos : 1
Data de inscrição : 05/09/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Carnaxide

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