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RAGE Engine

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RAGE Engine Empty RAGE Engine

Mensagem por iceburn91 Seg Set 06, 2010 11:40 am

RAGE's strengths are many. Its ability to handle large streaming worlds, complex A.I. arrangements, weather effects, fast network code and a multitude of gameplay styles will be obvious to anyone who has played GTA IV. It's also incredibly welcoming of partner middleware. Euphoria from NaturalMotion, a dynamic animation engine, bonded with RAGE like they'd been split at birth (a feat LucasArts were unable to achieve with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed), as did the Bullet physics engine from Erwin Coumans. And it is still so young: accurate physics, ecosystem A.I. and improved draw distance are just some of the improvements we'll see in RAGE over the coming months.


Mensagens : 80
EXP : 5458
Kudos : 0
Data de inscrição : 05/09/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Carnaxide

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