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Avalanche Engine

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Avalanche Engine Empty Avalanche Engine

Mensagem por iceburn91 Seg Set 06, 2010 12:29 pm

Just Cause 2 was one of the true surprise packets of this year's E3. While the original game had offered a fun but flawed distraction early on in the generation, the four year gap between it and a sequel had seen interest in the series wane. It turns out that developer Avalanche Studios had used the time to completely strip its Avalanche Engine and rebuild most of its components from scratch. And so it is that the Avalanche 2.0 engine used in the sequel allows the game to truly live up to the original's potential.

When you see Just Cause 2 in action, it is hard not to be impressed by what the Avalanche Engine can achieve. Seamless blending of vastly different gameplay mechanics on-the-fly (parachuting, driving, third-person combat, swimming, exploring), large amounts of on-screen explosions and combatants, the physics-driven gameplay of the new grappling hook features, and advanced A.I.... not to mention it looks bloody amazing. It all unfolds in a massive streaming world that goes from snowy mountain peaks to tropical sandy beaches, sealing this as one of the great new engines in gaming.

Excitingly, the developer's next Avalanche 2.0 driven project is expected to be AionGuard, which has a fantasy setting.

Mensagens : 80
EXP : 5458
Kudos : 0
Data de inscrição : 05/09/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Carnaxide

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